Friday, December 22, 2006

Some bad news, and some GOOD news!

First I need to mention that the infection I had was not a staph infection, it was an infection that's like having a zit on the inside of your head, which actually has turned out to be somewhat of a blessing- since I got an infection it was best that it was contained so it wouldn't have killed me (YIKES I hate to say that!)


I just wanted to post that I found out today I don't have to wait 4 months before I can have my artificial bone flap put in. I will have a cat scan done on Jan. 5th so they can get the dimensions of the area and start making the flap. I think the surgery will be 1-2 weeks after that, but I'm not 100% sure on the exact day. I'll post again on that. We are very excited!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Staff Infection- Another Surgery- 2 Weeks

It's been a few weeks since I've posted. Almost 3 weeks ago on a Monday, a screw in my head where the bone flap is was bothering me. By the time Dustin got home from work, it was a little swollen and pink. I called my surgeon's office and went in the next morning (Tuesday). I got a CT scan done, and yep- it was a screw coming up. The CT scan also showed a collection of fluid under my bone flap, but we could see that the area had an infection because it was more red and swollen. I was put on an antibiotic and 800mg Ibuprofin and told to come back in Friday, unless it got worse. Well, by Wednesday night it was more swollen and hurt more so I went to the ER. They put me on an IV antibiotic and told me I had to see my surgeon again in the morning. Thursday morning I go in and end up needing another surgery to clean out the infection. I had surgery and thought that I would be going home Friday or Saturday. Boy was I wrong! I was in the Hospital for 2 weeks and a day. The infection was really slow growing so I was on 3 antibiotics through a picc line rotating 3-4 times during the day and night until the Infection Control Dr. (Igor Abolnik) knew what the infection was. It came back a staff infection, and something that would be like having a zit on the inside of your head. Don't ask me what that means really, I'm just telling you like Abolnik told me. So I'm finally home now, and down to 2 antibiotics. I still have the picc line and will be on the antibiotics for another month. OH- I forgot to mention that the infection was in my bone flap so they took that out also. I have a big dent in my head. Should I post a picture? It looks weird but I don't think it looks too gross or anything. Respond and let me know if you think it would be too gross or if I should post it.

Well I need to get started on my Christmas cards.