Wednesday, July 04, 2012

6 Years

This post is a little late (by 15 days) but I celebrated my 6 year Tumorversary on Tuesday, June 19th. I wanted to do something meaningful this year to celebrate since my 5 year Tumorversary fell on Father's Day last year, so I thought I would cut my hair and donate it to Locks of Love. After my surgeries I made a promise with myself that I would cut and donate my hair to Locks of Love once it was long enough to do so. Well, come to find out I couldn't donate my hair because I have bleached highlights. I was really bummed because this was the only real meaningful thing I could think of doing to celebrate and I wasn't able to do it. My husband felt bad for me but is also glad that I still have my long hair. He LOVES my hair long. 

Anyway, my family made the day a GREAT one for me. My girls surprised me in the morning with a cake they had made and decorated, balloons and the table set and decorated:

Each of the balloons had a message on them. Two of them said, "Brains!" and the other two said, "Happy 6 Year Tumorversary!"

Then there was this special one sitting at my spot on the kitchen table:
It says, "I will eat your brains!! From: Zombies"
I thought it was really cute cause I love playing Plants Vs. Zombies.

And here's a close-up of the awesome decoration on my cake:
The Pepsi can is cut in half, representing how much of my brain my surgeon removed  during my craniotomy. The confetti inside the can represents my brain, and the 6 is for the obvious- representing 6 years of being cancer free. I love how creative and thoughtful my girls are!!! 
We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse as a family to celebrate:

and after the kids were in bed, Dustin and I watched "A Little Bit of Heaven"

I couldn't have had a better day. I am so grateful for my incredible family, for the love that they have for me, and for the life that I have. I have been blessed in so many ways and feel very fortunate to be doing so well. I am also extremely grateful for my husband and the strength that he is to me and to our children. I'm not sure if I could be as strong as he is if he was the one with the cancer. The last 6 years have been good to us and I can only hope that the next 6+ years will be the same.